It was a turbulent winter for most of us, and we can’t wait to kiss our dirt (and our winter blues) goodbye. Spring cleaning has been a fixture in our society for decades. All at once, it’s a way to cleanse our home and our soul.
It can be hard to decide where to begin, but we strongly believe a clean home can contribute to a more positive outlook on life. So, as you create your spring cleaning checklist, make sure to put these tasks as top priority.
A cluttered home is a cluttered mind, so kill the clutter before it takes over. Loose papers, meaningless knick-knacks, forgotten clothes — throw (or recycle) them all out!
Or, if they’re still in good condition, donate.
Clutter can consume us and the surfaces in our home. Clearing it out will actually make the rest of your spring cleaning easier to do. You’ll be able to clean/dust surfaces, floors, and closet spaces more efficiently without all that unnecessary clutter in your way.
Wash Curtains, Bath Mats, Slipcovers
You probably wash your sheets and towels on a regular basis, but what about those fabrics that often get forgotten? Window curtains, shower curtains, bath mats, and sofa slipcovers should be washed once or twice a year.
When you’re spring cleaning, that’s the best time to do this. You’ll want to do it before you dust, as the dust that collects on these items will likely spread when you pull them off.
Dust… Everything
Whip out your Swiffer duster and microfiber cloths. Dusting is one of the more tedious household chores, so get it out of the way. The deeper you get into your spring cleaning, the more time you’ll dedicate to reorganizing and rearranging.
When you do reorganize and rearrange, you’ll want all your shelves, tables, and storage areas to be spick and span.
Dust all books, hardware, and electronics. Dusting also preps surfaces for waxing and shining.
Vacuum & Shampoo Carpets/Rugs
You’re most likely vacuuming regularly – or at least you should be. Giving your rugs and carpets a deep clean, however, is just as important. You can buy a steam cleaner or find a local carpet cleaning company to come by.
Make sure they shampoo carpets and rugs. Especially after a long winter, this is essential to cleaning off dirt that has been tracked in by muddy boots. Your carpets and rugs take the biggest hit during the winter, so it’s important to refresh them.