Whether you’re a free spirit or just someone looking for a quick and easy update to your home’s appearance, accent walls are the answer. An accent wall is one wall within the room that is made to be a different texture or color from the other walls.
They’re great because they can diversify a space without much work. Plus, they don’t require you to necessarily have an eye for interior design.
If there’s a part of your home you want to bring attention to, that’s where you should place your accent wall. And don’t take any liberties, let creativity reign.
Choose: Textured or Colored Walls
The easiest way to make an accent wall is simply to paint it. If you live in a home where plain white walls are the majority, an accent wall is a great way to bring in a pop of color.
Unusual and bold colors make great accent walls. Emerald, salmon pink, and navy blue are accent wall colors that add some character to your home’s ordinary decor and give your space flair.
You can also opt for an accent wall made of totally different material. Brick accent walls give your space an industrial, Manhattan loft vibe. Meanwhile, wood paneled accent walls are great for incorporating a little bit of warmth.
Make It a Standalone
By this, we mean choose a solid wall. No windows, no doors, and no other fixtures. Windows and doors will overwhelm the accent wall and actually draw attention away from it. This is especially because the natural light flooding in could alter or obscure the color.
A wall with no other distractions will be the best accent wall. Especially because you’ll want to use it as a way to display your personality with artwork, mirrors, accent tables, or other expressive decor you plan to place on and along it.
Give It Purpose
What is the point of your accent wall? Is it solely aesthetic? A way to draw attention to your collections or that fine piece of artwork you recently purchased? If so, that’s totally fine. Just make sure you know your accent wall’s purpose is purely decorative, and use it for that purpose.
Some people, especially those with smaller spaces, use accent walls as a form of separation. An accent wall can be used to designate a different “area” or part of the house.
This is why you’ll often find accent walls adorning small dry bars, entertainment centers, or foyers. They’re a great way of telling guests, “This space is dedicated to this purpose, even if it’s not separated by physical walls.”