It’s been 200 plus days since the start of the “Safer at Home” mandate and, until now, we’ve been dying to get out and get back to life as we knew it. But the days are getting shorter, the air is getting crisper, and those bright green leaves are turning all kinds of oranges and reds and browns. It’s finally trendy to stay in. So, while we’ve been sharing tips on making your home office as comfy as possible, how to bring the outdoors in, and what to expect from design trends post-covid, we’re happy to share some insight on more familiar trends that are on par for this time of the year — some indoor decor ideas that aren’t modifications for quarantine life.
Candles as decor
There’s nothing like the spicy-sweet smell of cinnamon apple pie. And while you might not be the baking type, cozying up in your favorite chair with a cup of cocoa next to a warm candle is the perfect way to dredge up that fall nostalgia. But consider this: not all candles are meant for burning. Go with an essential oil diffuser for your fall scents and skip the match-lighting all together. Choosing candle colors that compliment your decor can add just the fall pizzazz you’re looking for. Consider buying candles with dried leaves, flowers, or gold flecks pressed into the wax. Look for taper candles with fun designs (spirals, stripes, and twists). And if you’re in search of an eye-catching centerpiece, sculpture candles are all the rage these days.
Couch accoutrements
You can never have too many pillows! As sweater weather creeps upon us, you’ll want to sink into your couch to watch a good movie with the family. Swap out small pillows for overstuffed ones in all of your favorite fall colors: mustard yellow, deep orange, chocolate brown, icy blue, and off white. Sling a throw blanket over the back of the couch and drape it across one of the arms for a casual pop of color and style. Arrange a centerpiece on a serving tray with functional items like coasters, a medium-sized porcelain vase for remotes, a jar of cough drops or candy, and one of those fun candles we mentioned above.
Calling all things fall
Pumpkins and pinecones. Fall leaves and firewood. Apple pie and acorns. When we think of fall, we think of the elements that remind us that another year is coming to a close. But fall is also a feeling. A time with family and friends. An opportunity to reset and recover from the stresses of life. There’s no better way to accomplish this than by surrounding yourself with decor pieces that remind you of how far you’ve come. A wood-framed mirror in your foyer that, as you pass, prompts you to be kind to yourself. A wicker basket in the corner of your room that says “only carry what you can bear.” A glass vase with faux branches that highlight the beautiful leaves of the season calls to memory that everything has its place and time. Walk into this season knowing that the months past are just that: the past. And walk into winter with a warm heart.