Small Spaces, Big Designs

If you are someone who lives in a large apartment or home with more space than you know what to do with count yourself lucky. You live in a universe that sits outside of the rest of us who reside in smaller, more modest living spaces. For people who are, shall we say, spatially challenged home décor can be more of a challenge than for those who live in roomier surroundings. People with limited physical space have to be more creative in learning to utilize every square inch of their dwellings. Here are some tips that may help you with this.


  • Keep your space immaculate: Clutter makes living spaces seem much smaller.
  • Use multipurpose furniture: Use pieces that have more than one function.table
  • Use collapsible furniture: Furnishing such as an expandable Ozzio table or an extendable Tulip table are attractive and can be useful in helping to utilize smaller.
  • Utilize the space beneath stairways: Consider utilizing the space beneath stairways by adding bookcases, shelves, etc.
  • Buy a storage bed: Eliminate the need for a night stand by buying a bed that has drawers built in underneath it.
  • Add mirrors: And old but reliable trick, adding mirrors gives the illusion of spaciousness.
  • Utilize wall and even ceiling space: Adding a vanity, bookcase or shelves will help utilize space that would otherwise be wasted.


Yes, with greater creativity is generally needed in order to make smaller spaces look cozy as opposed to cluttered. At Bauhaus2YourHouse we have furniture for all kinds of home décor needs. We know that not everyone lives in an immense space. So, the next time you are about to throw your hands up at the challenge of decorating your small apartment, home or even bedroom or living room, consider these tips and look over some of our expandable furniture.